Nursing Inferno

Helping leaders find a path that fires them up,
instead of burning them out.

"Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little braver." -Brene Brown

Leadership Consulting

Kirsten is a Master’s prepared nurse that has worked in healthcare for over 24 years.  She is a current VP of Patient Care, has been a Chief Nursing Officer and has held progressive leadership roles for the past 17 years.  Working in both large level one trauma centers and small rural community hospitals she has the experience to help hospitals and leaders grow and develop their teams.

Nursing Inferno specializes in helping leaders work with staff in new and exciting ways that grow the profession of nursing and healthcare.  Her goal is to help make nursing and healthcare sustainable by developing and supporting healthcare leaders. Let her help you with your challenges, opportunities, and create the culture you want for your team.

Owned by nurses and partnering with other healthcare innovators around the world.

Much of our work centers around nursing leaders but we work with any nurse wanting to grow and develop their leadership skills and presence

If you have a specific need or concern in mind reach out to us.  We can help design a program to meet your needs.